Cavalo Lusitano

About me

Über mich_Sonja

Sonja Niedermaier

My passion for Iberian horses began in 1996 with a trail ride in Spain. My souvenir was a young PRE mare. At that time there were not many Iberians in Germany. While looking for information, I found the Friends of the Iberian Horse Association. I found a lot of contacts, information and friends there. I was later the first chairman of the association for many years. There I met the Lusitano and discovered my passion for this horse breed! I have been to Portugal several times a year since 2003 and have made a lot of contacts and friends.

In September 2014 I took part in the breeding judge training at the invitation of the APSL. I was able to expand my knowledge about the Lusitanos at numerous breeding shows, licensing and seminars and, last but not least, in countless specialist discussions.

Breeding judge for Lusitanos

In September 2014 I applied for breeding judge training at the APSL’s invitation. During the 3-day course in Portugal I was able to successfully complete my first exam and was among the 12 best participants who were admitted to the next level. Then the practical phase began…

This includes licensing of stallions and mares and many breeding shows!

Über mich_Zuchtrichter

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